Hello! How are you doing? We’re still in this. Together, but alone. Have you finished the internet yet? Have you worn jeans lately? Have you gotten out of your pajamas? It’s OK. I know. This is crazy difficult. We need to take care of our mental health and basic needs first.
That being said, I have good news for you! This month’s blog post is here to tell you that everything you’re doing is fine. Don’t stress. Just focus on taking care of yourself and your family. If you need resources, talk with your family, friends, neighbors, city government, or trusted sites on the internet, and get the resources you need to get food, care, medical help, or whatever it is that you need right now to survive. Don’t feel as though you have to be a superhero right now. You don’t. We need love, calm, and support now. And we should get it.
A friend posted this article the other day, and I think it’s a good one for us right now. I do believe that there are folks out there who can and want to be productive at this time, and to those folks I say, go for it! Or maybe you’re up for being productive one day a week, that’s fine too. But for anyone else who has just felt overwhelmed or stressed by all of this, that is 100% normal. We are going through a global pandemic! The whole world is struggling to stay alive in the wake of a highly contagious virus that has hit pretty much every country in the world right now. When I think too long about it, my head feels like it’s going to explode.
So for now, let’s remember to relax, rest, eat, drink enough water, and take care of ourselves. I’ve been trying to get out and walk for at least 45 minutes each day. Savannah is a beautiful city, so it’s a great place to walk. Sometimes I take pictures or videos of the city and share them with friends and family. The peaceful scenes have made me happy and relaxed. But do I have days where I want to scream and complain? Yes! Of course! Again, that’s OK. I don’t beat myself up over it. I just try to refocus. I hope all of you who are reading this are OK. Be safe! Take care of yourself!

Cheryl Russo
April 2020