As you know, we are definitely living in uncertain times right now. We’ve had so many unexpected and awful things happen already in 2020, that it has made a few folks yearn for 2019.
My last two blog posts have been about living –and trying to survive and thrive– during the Coronavirus. This month, I want to share with you some changes that are occurring at Organizing by Cheryl, but first I will share my thoughts and concerns with you about the virus and another deeply disturbing issue that has been in our news lately: ongoing violence towards people of color, especially black men, in the US.
First, the virus. Some states are still seeing the numbers of cases and deaths increase regularly from the virus. This is a concern. Please wear a mask and continue to social distance yourself. I know that some folks feel that they don’t need to wear a mask; wearing a mask helps us all. Please wear one if you go to the store or are in a crowd. You wear a seat belt when you drive; think of this as the same thing. You don’t have to wear the mask for the entire day, only when you are in a crowd or around other people outside of your home. Wearing a mask helps limit the exposure of your exhaled aerosols or droplets; this information has been on the news for months now. By wearing a mask, you keep others from getting infected if you happen to have the virus; this is especially true if you are asymptomatic because you likely would not know if you had the virus. To those of you who have been wearing masks regularly, thank you.
My second concern is centered around what seems to be increased violence towards people of color in the US. Now, of course, many argue, myself included, that this violence has been going on for years; the only difference now is that more people are capturing these vicious acts on their phones, so more attention is being given to them. If something can and will finally be done to stop violence against people of color in the US, then that’s a good thing. In the meantime, I urge you to do your part and help prevent these injustices from happening. We should all be outraged. So many deaths that did not have to happen. Be aware. Be educated. Speak up.
Lastly, because many clients of mine, rightfully so, are staying in and staying safe from the virus, I have not had a regular complement of clients since early March. A couple of clients are doing virtual organizing sessions with me, which is great! And if any of you reading this right now are interested in getting an hour or two of organizing help via Zoom or FaceTime, please reach out to me!
Another pivot that occurred at Organizing by Cheryl is the addition of virtual organizing classes! These classes differ from the aforementioned organizing sessions in that no actual decluttering or organizing happens in these classes. They are offered in the same virtual ways as the sessions: Zoom or FaceTime; however, the goal of the classes is for participants to learn the philosophy, skills, and mindset of being organized. In these 45-minute classes, I share my philosophy about living minimally and simply in an effort to reduce stress and save time, energy, and money. If you love the idea of delving into how simplifying your life can be rewarding, these classes are for you! Some of the topics I’m currently offering are:
How to be Productive during This Time
Declutter Your Life
How to Prep your Home for a Sale
Are your Purchases Trying to Tell you Something.
To find out more about these classes, including their very reasonable cost, please call, email, or text me. All of my contact information is here on my website.

Cheryl Russo
May 2020