If you have been following Organizing by Cheryl‘s social media or reading these blog posts over the years, you know that I am a big believer in living a simple life with minimal things. I’m a minimalist, and I like to think of my job as a professional minimizer rather than a professional organizer.
When I work with clients, my goal is not only to create the space that they want, but it’s also to teach the philosophy behind a simplified life. There are so many benefits to living simply: more time, more money, less stress, better health, and a renewed focus on what’s important in life.
When you minimize your stuff, you can find things more easily. Plus, you have less stuff to clean, manage, store, take care of, and move. With more things in your home, you have more to do. Stuff takes us away from what we really need and want in our lives: family, friends, companionship, peace, time, nature, and more! The more stuff we have, the more time we need to tend to the stuff. Stuff needs to be dusted and cleaned, and it also needs a home: closet, drawer, and cabinet space. And don’t you always feel as though you never have enough space for all of your stuff? I’ve been in so many homes where the garages, attics, and basements are completely full of all kinds of things, most of which are not being used. Stuff burdens us. And this takes a toll on our mental health after a while. It’s exhausting. Sometimes we have so much stuff that we cannot find the thing we need in any given moment, so we go out and re-buy something that we know we already own but just cannot find. And that’s a waste of time and money.
Many people hate moving. Just the idea of it freaks many people out. Why? Because they think of their stuff. The idea of packing up everything that they own is extremely stressful for some folks. But think of how your idea of moving would change if you had just what you needed in your home. Imagine if all of the surfaces in your home were clear. Imagine if your closet only had 30-40 items of clothing in it including shoes. Moving would feel a lot less stressful!
Here’s an idea: try to minimize the stuff in your own life. Over the next several weeks, make a plan to toss, donate, or sell a few things each week. You’ll feel better, and your home will look good too! If you need some help, check out this video from author and minimalist, Joshua Becker!

This is one section of my bedroom. Dresser surfaces are always clean and clear in my home. There are no visual distractions. Scarves and hats are hung neatly, but the hooks are not overflowing with stuff. My goal is always to aim for less. Aim for a clean, minimal, stress-free look. You can always add fresh flowers for a pop of color if you’d like. Living minimally has helped me over the years to save time, energy, and money. And I’m able to focus on what I consider the important aspects of life: friends, family, community, learning, travel, food, wine, reading, and getting outside.
Cheryl Russo
June 2020