How are you doing? Are you still staying in as much as possible? Keeping a six-foot distance from people? Using hand sanitizer? Washing your hands regularly? It seems like years since this pandemic started, and yet it has not even been six full months yet. Well, it has been fewer than six months since many of us were informed about it.
When I plan to write my blog posts each month, I try to think of something inspiring or motivating that could help my readers feel good about decluttering, living more simply, and choosing experiences over things, and most of the time, I think I accomplish that. However, living through a global pandemic makes it difficult to focus on the positive and motivate readers. I will continue to try, but I never want to be so positive that my words appear out-of-touch with what’s happening in the world right now (i.e., toxic positivity).
Normally at this time of year, I’d be writing about how families could prepare for back-to-school organizational challenges, but of course this year’s challenges are very different. And they are different depending on where you live and what your state’s COVID numbers are.
I’m here for you. One size rarely fits all in terms of organizing, but it is especially true right now. If you are struggling with how to set up a home office or a work area in your kid’s bedroom, reach out to me. All of my contact info is on my website, but I can also be reached through most forms of social media. You can hire me to help you declutter and organize, but I’m also here if you have a question about what type of desk set up could work for your teen, for example. People reach out to me with questions all the time; sometimes the answer is quick, and other times, I need a bit more info to provide the right response. But either way, I want you to know that I am here to help you in any way that I can. I want all kids to succeed. They are the future! We all have to help them get through this difficult time whether we are a parent or not!
The only real advice I have this month is to continue to get the self care that you need, stay safe, trust your gut on things especially if something feels unsafe for you or your kids, but also follow the science with regards to the pandemic. We ARE all in this together, and we are learning more and more each day. If you can, get exercise and fresh air whenever possible. And of course seek expert medical advice/help if you need it. I’ve been meditating more lately, and I really think it helps me. I have also been walking more than ever before. I try to get out for an hour or two each day. That really helps my brain to relax and refresh.
I hope that in a few months, we will be able to look back on this time and feel lucky that we made it through smoothly, but I know that for many people, that’s already not true, and my heart goes out to them. I think that we all need to be and stay active right now in all forms of care, supporting others, info gathering, and advocacy. We can do this and still find balance in our lives.
As always, reach out anytime to say hi, ask for advice, chat, or set up a consultation. Take care. Stay safe.

Cheryl Russo
August 2020