If you’re like me, then you are ready to say goodbye to 2020! I cannot wait until 2021; however, I don’t want to leave 2020 until I reflect on what it has taught me.
This past year has been extremely difficult for many of us. I feel that I survived it as best as possible. I socially distanced myself from family and friends; I wore a mask whenever I went out; and I washed my hands constantly. For many families, loved ones died alone, and folks lost their jobs, homes, and more. It was a very difficult year. I wonder how we’ll look back on 2020 in years to come. “How did you survive?” I imagine future generations will ask us this question.
I definitely learned a few things this year. I learned that I can handle more than I ever thought I could. I learned who my true friends were. And lastly, I learned that at times, I need to do some extreme self care. I tried to be grateful for what I had, even though each day, I’d watch my bank account dwindle due to a lack of work. I managed, however. I often felt sad that I could not fly home to Massachusetts to see my family and friends. But I’d instead call them or FaceTime with them while relaxing with a glass of wine. I had intense and difficult conversations with people about racism and all that was happening in our world. I made friends and lost friends. I grew as a person — maybe both figuratively and literally! There was a lot of eating during this pandemic!
As we close out the year, I want to thank my clients, my readers, my social media followers, my business partners, and my very supportive family and friends. Thank you for checking in on me and making sure I was OK. Thank you for allowing me to pivot my business and help you virtually. I appreciated that and thoroughly enjoyed working with all of you this year!
I know that the next month could possibly be THE most difficult one of all of 2020. Many of us are not going to be seeing our families and friends during the holidays, which after a year of quarantining, will be especially difficult. Do whatever you can to stay safe, go easy on yourself, take breaks, breathe, get outside in nature, and know that changes are coming. I look forward to seeing you in person in 2021! With much love, have a peaceful and safe holiday season!

Cheryl Russo
Nov/Dec 2020