We’ve all probably seen and heard lots of advice about decluttering, organizing, recycling, and more. There’s a lot of it out there! But how do you recognize the good advice and avoid the bad advice? Well… it all depends on what you want for YOU! And how do you find balance in your life so that you’re not spending all day organizing and decluttering? Well, read on my friends…
First, visualize what you want and need in your home and in your life, and then use those images to guide how you craft your life. Jot down what you love to do: go to the beach, draw, exercise, dine out with friends, read, travel, dance, cook, teach… And then purge everything from your home that does not lead you to those visualizations. Of course, you still need to make money, pay bills, and do all of those “required” things, but you know what I mean. The goal is to craft a life that is more in line with how you want to live doing what you love to do as much as you possibly can while still finding balance.
I try to balance work and play as often as possible. I try new things, enjoy good food and wine, see my friends as often as I can, and just get out and embrace my city — Savannah, Georgia — and all that it has to offer. And I have set days and times when I focus on my business and my clients. I recommend that you also find balance between work and play. It might not be a 50-50 balance, but some playtime is necessary; we all need to relax and laugh regularly.
Second, read through some of the decluttering advice out there, but be selective about which books, podcasts, articles, and shows speak to you and to how you want to live. If you don’t ever think that you’ll be a minimalist, well, then don’t fill your inbox with newsletters from minimalist authors and speakers. If you love clothes and want to own a lot of them, then don’t force yourself to master the 10-item wardrobe that Jennifer L. Scott promotes in her TED Talk on the subject. So remember: be selective! Think about what YOU want in life, and find decluttering info that speaks to you and your dreams.
And third, remember that it’s your life and your dream. You don’t have to live like other people say you should live. If your friends think that you need to have a big screen TV, but you never watch TV, then ignore them. If your family thinks that you should buy gadgets for your kitchen, but you hate clutter in every corner of your minimalist kitchen, then skip the gadgets. We often find ourselves so easily swayed by what others have and what others say we need. Stay focused! Stay strong! You do you as they say. And remember to find your balance too whether that’s visiting the ocean every once in a while or trying out a new restaurant in your neighborhood or just hanging out with your cat in your apartment!

Cheryl Russo
July 2021