I’ve been thinking a lot lately about time. It goes by quickly. Since 2020 my concept of time has changed; I had always been very aware of how quickly times goes by, but since that initial pandemic year, I’ve been even more aware of how important time is to me.
Time is a huge reason why I do the work that I do. I want to help people embrace their lives and use their time efficiently and spend it on activities that they love. So many of my clients tell me that they need my help because they spend lots of time looking for things or re-buying things that they already own but cannot find. My goal in life is a simple one: at the end of each day, I want to look back on the day and know that I spent it well. Whether it was productive, lively, educational, or relaxing, I want to know that I did not spend it doing something that I would regret. I want this for my clients as well.
No one wants to spend their days moving stuff in their homes to find other stuff only to then spend even more time rearranging things to try to fit everything back where it was. No one ever wants to waste time.
If you’ve been reading my blog posts for a while, you know that this is a theme throughout my posts: embrace your time now. Don’t say things like, “When I retire, then I’ll do ____.” Do it now. At least do some of what you want to do now. I realize that not everyone can do everything that they want to do. We all need to pay bills, go grocery shopping, do laundry, pay taxes, cook, and more, but if the pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that life is short, and we need to embrace it and do more of what we love.
So go out and enjoy a sunset, breathe in salty air, take a nap under a tree, or hug your pet!

Cheryl Russo
July 2022