Hello faithful readers! Thanks for checking out this blog post! Today’s topic is boundaries. It seems to be a hot topic right now, and I’d like to explore it with you.
How many of you out there are good at setting and keeping boundaries? For those of us who are or used to be people pleasers, boundary setting can be quite difficult. Lately, I feel as though I’m getting better at it, and I hope you are too!
My advice is simple: think about how you want to spend your time, and don’t say yes to anything that gets in the way of that. I read something recently about setting the opposite of to-do lists; the writer suggested to-not-do lists. I really loved this concept, so I’m sharing it now in reference to setting boundaries.
How many times have you said yes to something because you felt bad or you were pressured into doing something? I can relate! I’ve said yes to events, dates, parties, favors, paying for things for people, and more. But I’m definitely better at saying no to these things now. Aging has helped this! My time is precious to me, especially now, so I don’t spend time with people who drain me or whose company I don’t like. I highly recommend that you try this! Just make a list of all of the things that you may have said yes to in the past, and add these things to your to-not-do list! Then if those things come up, set a boundary and stick to it. Say “no.”
You can do this! I look forward to hearing from you about how you’re doing with this in the coming weeks and months!
Cheryl Russo
November 2023