How are you doing? Are you still staying in as much as possible? Keeping a six-foot distance from people? Using hand sanitizer? Washing your hands regularly? It seems like years since this pandemic started, and yet it has not even been six full months yet. Well, it has been fewer than six months since many […]
Your Dream Life
Have you ever watched a film where one of the main characters had a gorgeous home that immediately became your dream home? Maybe you saw a French film where the characters sat around a Bohemian-style Parisian apartment drinking wine and talking about books and current events, or maybe the film’s main characters lived in a […]
If you have been following Organizing by Cheryl‘s social media or reading these blog posts over the years, you know that I am a big believer in living a simple life with minimal things. I’m a minimalist, and I like to think of my job as a professional minimizer rather than a professional organizer. When […]
Uncertain Times
As you know, we are definitely living in uncertain times right now. We’ve had so many unexpected and awful things happen already in 2020, that it has made a few folks yearn for 2019. My last two blog posts have been about living –and trying to survive and thrive– during the Coronavirus. This month, I […]
Checking in…
Hello! How are you doing? We’re still in this. Together, but alone. Have you finished the internet yet? Have you worn jeans lately? Have you gotten out of your pajamas? It’s OK. I know. This is crazy difficult. We need to take care of our mental health and basic needs first. That being said, I […]
Life in the Time of Corona
Lately I have been reminded of the best-selling novel by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, whose title I give a nod to here, where two lovers are distanced much of their lives, but social distancing isn’t the only similarity between Love in the Time of Cholera and what we are all living through right now. With an […]
Bucket Lists
I think most of us have at one time or another sat at a table with a notebook or a pad of paper and brainstormed a bucket list. A bucket list is typically a list of everything one wants to do either before a milestone birthday or before one dies. I have a love/hate relationship […]
Moving to a New State: My How-to Guide
Organizing by Cheryl and its owner — that’s me! — recently moved from Massachusetts to Georgia. From MA to GA! Savannah to be exact! It’s a gorgeous city, and by the number of transplants here from northern states, my big idea to move here to escape the cold New England winters is not so original. […]
The Good Scissors
Growing up, my family had “the good scissors” and another pair of scissors that were highly ineffective; the latter taught me the meaning of frustration. Even as a child, I wondered why we kept this “backup” pair. They were pretty much useless. Why hang on to them? Now, as an adult and a professional organizer, […]
Stuff. It’s everywhere: in our homes, our cars, our garages, our basements, our offices, our purses, our backpacks, and everywhere in between! It’s very easy to accumulate more. We get free stuff at fairs, stores, races, events, and more. I often say that “free” is the other four-letter “f” word! But it’s also so easy […]